Building a fair and equitable Finland The Association of Finnish Lawyers is a lobby organisation offering services to lawyers and law students. Member benefits Become a member News All news News17.12.2024 Työ- ja virkasuhdeneuvonta palvelee myös välipäivinä – katso aukioloajat Juristiliitto News10.12.2024 Oikeusguru-kilpailun pääpalkinnot Tampereelle ja Nurmijärvelle – palkintona opiskelupaikka oikiksesta Oikeusguru Yleinen News4.12.2024 Oikeusgurun kahdeksan finalistia on selvillä – parhaille luvassa opiskelupaikat oikiksesta Oikeusguru Statements All statements Statements12.12.2024 Juristiliiton lausunto luonnoksesta hallituksen esitykseksi laiksi rikostorjunnasta Rajavartiolaitoksessa annetun lain… Statements18.11.2024 Ulosottolaitoksen toimipaikkaverkostoa koskeva lausunto Statements8.11.2024 Lausunto Oikeuslaitostyöryhmän alustavista toimenpide-ehdotuksista Blogs All blogs Blogs18.12.2024 Yhteisön voima näkyy vaikuttamistyössämme Toimiva, vakaa ja hyvinvoiva yhteiskunta rakentuu oikeusvaltion päälle. Siksi Juristiliitto on vaatinut panostuksia oikeudenhoitoon sekä juristien työoloihin. Yhteinen liittomme jatkaa tärkeää työtään jäseniään varten. Juristiliitto Blogs11.12.2024 Juristien kohtuuttomat työajat jatkuvat – Miksi lakia on niin vaikea noudattaa? Työaikalain tavoitteena on turvata asianmukainen työsuojelu. Alallamme on liian paljon työpaikkoja, joissa lakia ei noudateta. Työelämä Great member benefits As a member, you can enjoy many benefits and tailored services. All benefits are available immediately. More about member benefits Job vacancies Our lawyer recruitment service posts about 600 job vacancies in various fields of law every year. Career advice Our career coach will help you navigate different stages of your career. Attend training sessions We organise monthly webinars for our members on current topics, free of charge. Advice on salary and wage-related issues If you have any questions regarding salaries or wages, our specialists will be happy to offer advice. As our member, you will also have access to several salary assessment tools. Holiday accommodation We offer our members affordable holiday apartments in Levi, Ruka and Vierumäki. Advice on employment relationships We offer assistance to our members on all matters involving labour legislation. Training and events We offer our members training and organise events, webinars and network meetings. Take a look at what is available and find the best way for you to participate. Read more about training and events An association for all lawyers The Association of Finnish Lawyers is Finland’s largest service organisation for lawyers. We protect the professional interests of our members and support their professional development, whether they work in specialist, supervisory or entrepreneurial roles. Read more about services 4400 law students Our community includes law students from across Finland. 7,500 specialists We offer advice, advocacy and services to lawyers working in the public and private sectors alike. 750 supervisors The Association of Finnish Lawyers offers a wide range of services designed to support our members in supervisory roles. 600 entrepreneurs Just under 20 percent of our members in the private sector are self-employed. 1,700 seniors Our senior activities are available to all our retired members. Juristiuutiset magazine (in Finnish) The Juristiuutiset (News for lawyers) publication is available to our members free of charge. This publication contains articles on a wide range of legal phenomena, interesting people in the sector, career stories, workplace issues and the daily legal grind. Read Juristiuutiset magazine Juristiuutiset3.11.2022 Asiantuntijasta esihenkilöksi – riittääkö aika ja osaaminen? Juristiuutiset31.5.2023 Juristiliitto julkaisi vastuullisten lakipalveluiden työnantajaperiaatteet Become a member We contribute to ensuring that Finland is a fair and equitable country with equal access to justice for all. Member benefits Become a member